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Madison: (615) 868-6177

Mt. Juliet: (615) 754-6677

Implants: the perfect solution to missing teeth.

What is a dental implant?

Implants are a solution for missing or extracted teeth. Our implants are natural-looking and act just as your original tooth would. Your new smile will leave you as prepared for any and every photo op!


Types of dental implants

Single Implant: Implants can be used to replace single missing teeth. After the implant has been placed a tooth can be attached to the top of the implant. If properly maintained implants can last a lifetime and are the best tooth replacement option available. 

Multiple Implants: If you are missing several teeth than multiple implants can be placed. Often times this is your best option when several teeth are missing or the adjacent teeth are healthy. 

Implant Supported Dentures: With implants dentures can be tightly secured eliminating the need for denture adhesives. Implants can allow dentures to not only feel great, but to also function very similarly to natural teeth. Various types of implant supported dentures exist. 

All on 4 or 6 Denture: Generally up to 6 implants are placed and used to secure a denture. You will get the look and function of a full arch of teeth without the need to replace every missing tooth with an implant. You can brush the denture just like natural teeth, and it will be removed twice a year by the dentist and professionally cleaned. 

Implant retained dentures: This type of denture still uses implants to help hold them in, however they can be removed by the patient to be cleaned on a daily basis. We can help you decide what type is best for you.


Natural & beautiful appearance

Durable and long-lasting

Do not lead to tooth decay

Feel natural in the mouth

How do I get started?

Every patient is different. To ensure you are the best candidate, you’ll want to schedule a consultation for our team to exam your mouth. From there, we’ll be able to provide you with your treatment options, talk about payment and how soon you will benefit from results.


Do you have concerns about cost?

We never want payment to hold anyone back from receiving the care they need for a healthy and happy smile. We aim to make it easy with several financial plans and guidance from our Financial Coordinator.

Do you Have Dental Anxiety?

We offer sedation dentistry!

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